Final Day of Teaching Practice Phase 2

Date:24/06/2024 Place: St Thomas H.S  Today was the final day of teaching practice phase 2. .Effective Feedback, building a strong relationship with students and colleagues creates a supportive educational environment

conscientization program

 DATE : 7/12/2023 

PLACE :St.Thomas HS, Kadampanad

As part of the school internship phase-1 of the 3rd semester of the B.Ed curriculum, we conducted the awareness program on the Edu 11 paper in the school today. The class was based on game addiction among adolescent students . so the name of the programe was "Life is not Just a Game" The class was attended by students from 9E and 9C.  B.Ed. trainee Miss.Merin Raichel Saji gave welcome speech.  School HM Shri.Alex  Sir inaugurated the class.  Take the awareness class as follows. The class was from noon to 


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