Final Day of Teaching Practice Phase 2

Date:24/06/2024 Place: St Thomas H.S  Today was the final day of teaching practice phase 2. .Effective Feedback, building a strong relationship with students and colleagues creates a supportive educational environment

school internship first week

  DATE : 25/9/2023 to 30/09/2023

PLACE :St. Thomas High School, Kadampanad

50 days teaching practice as part of 3rd semester of B.Ed curriculum started on 25 September 2023.  The school I got was St. Thomas High School, Kadampanad.  Along with me, there are my classmates Gokul, Navami,Merin Raichel and Pooja. 8A and 9A are the classes I got.  We were well received in the school by HM, children and teachers. The first week was soo interesting ..we visited the NCC camp,Sports room, Computer lab, and  almost all classes in the school.


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