Final Day of Teaching Practice Phase 2

Date:24/06/2024 Place: St Thomas H.S  Today was the final day of teaching practice phase 2. .Effective Feedback, building a strong relationship with students and colleagues creates a supportive educational environment

Weekend Reflection 6

Date: 20/07/2024

Place: Google meet(Online)

After completing another successful week in St Thomas High school kadambanad a weekend reflection was conducted through Google meet. The session Included all the students in the natural science option. First my colleagues Shilpa and Abhirami said about the reflection including their experience in school and the number of lesson plans which they have taken and the information about the achievement test and the tour and data collection about the project. Harila also shared the information about the same things and Marine Rachel saji and me set about our experience about the school. The teaching practice will be over on Wednesday 24-07-2024. Our mentor teacher gave us more instructions and the session was concluded.


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